Whois Lookup

Enter domain name, IP address (IPv4 and IPv6) or AS number.

Example: google.com, or AS15169

Whois lookup for: www.dxnaus.com.au

Domain Name:                     dxnaus.com.au
Last Modified:                   18-May-2015 05:01:54 UTC
Status:                          ok
Registrar Name:                  Melbourne IT

Registrant:                      DXN INTERNATIONAL (AUSTRALIA) PTY LTD
Registrant ID:                   OTHER 66087278831
Eligibility Type:                Other

Registrant Contact ID:           Z136901101071522
Registrant Contact Name:         Gary Lejarde
Registrant Contact Email:        Visit whois.ausregistry.com.au for Web based WhoIs

Tech Contact ID:                 Z136901101071522
Tech Contact Name:               Gary Lejarde
Tech Contact Email:              Visit whois.ausregistry.com.au for Web based WhoIs

Name Server:                     ns3.sslaccess.com
Name Server:                     ns4.sslaccess.com
DNSSEC:                          unsigned
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