JOAO ALMEIDA, 01/31/1949, 1-401-728-7103
was born 31 January 1949, and registered to vote, giving the address 41 BUSBY ST, in PAWTUCKET, RI 02860-5503, U.S.A. ALMEIDA was registered as a Democrat. ALMEIDA’s telephone number is 1-401-728-7103.
ALMEIDA’s voter ID number is 26000325355
This is a privately owned and operated genealogy website using a purchased copy of the Rhode Island voter list as of early 2015, which is all unrestricted, public information by law. Use this website at your own risk. There is no warranty.
Voter ID number: 26000325355
Status: A
Last name: ALMEIDA
First name: JOAO
Middle name:
Street number: 41
Street name: BUSBY ST
Street name 2:
ZIP Code: 02860
ZIP + 4: 5503
Suffix A:
Suffix B:
State: RI
Carrier code:
Postal city: PAWTUCKET
Mailing street number:
Mailing street name 1:
Mailing street name 2:
Mailing ZIP Code:
Mailing city:
Mailing unit:
Mailing suffix A:
Mailing suffix B:
Mailing State:
Mailing country:
Mailing carrier code:
Party code: D
Special status code: N
Date effective: 04/04/1995
Date of privilege:
Sex: N
Date accepted: 03/05/1995
Date of status change:
Date of birth: 01/31/1949
Off reason code:
Date last active:
Congressional district: 1
State senate district: 18
State rep. district: 62
Precinct: 2629
Ward council: 03
Ward district:
School committee district:
Special district:
Fire district:
Phone number: 4017287103
• ALMEIDA voted in a STATEWIDE PRIMARY on 09/09/2014 as a Democrat in precinct 26029.
• ALMEIDA voted in a PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION on 11/06/2012 in precinct 26029.
• ALMEIDA voted in a STATEWIDE PRIMARY on 09/11/2012 as a Democrat in precinct 26029.
• ALMEIDA voted in a STATEWIDE GENERAL ELECTION on 11/02/2010 in precinct 26029.
• ALMEIDA voted in a STATE WIDE PRIMARY on 09/14/2010 as a Democrat in precinct 26029.
• ALMEIDA voted in a PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION on 11/04/2008 in precinct 26029.
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