walkert IP/DNS history lookup
IP/DNS history lookup for: walkert.co.uk
Found the following number of unique records (including history and current DNS records):
IPv4 records: 3, IPv6 records: 1, MX records: 2, NS records: 2, SPF records: 1
# IPv4 address Last seen Tools
1 2016-09-27
2 2015-10-24
3 2015-09-07
4 2015-07-19
# IPv6 address Last seen Tools
1 2a03:b0c0:1:d0::c2:3001 2016-09-27
# MX record Last seen Tools
1 mg.smartecserver.com 2016-09-27
2 mail19.hosting.net.hk 2016-09-27
# NS record Last seen Tools
1 ns78.domaincontrol.com 2016-09-27
2 ns77.domaincontrol.com 2016-09-27
# SPF record Last seen
1 v=spf1 ?all 2016-09-27